Friday 27 April 2012

Facebook The Jealous Network

No way!! Facebook has bought Instagram. What?! How can this be, like this is just so random. This move made by Facebook has just caused a whole lot of controversy. There are a lot of mixed feelings floating about. Word on the streets in that the reason why Facebook bought Instagram is because they were scared of losing their reputation. Facebook is mainly about sharing photos, and Instagram just came out of nowhere and created this mobile photo sharing experience built on emotion and shared experiences.That was Facebooks aim which Instagram seems to be better at doing. It became so popular that its registered users doubled and even tripled when it became available to Android users. With this in the air it seemed like Facebook needed to make a quick move in order to protect their future from being destroyed, so they decided instead of trying to compete with them which would end in a loosing battle, to join forces and buy the company for double or even triple its worth. Now to me that seems like a sign of jealousy. You know Facebook wanting to be constantly in the lime light. They were liked but not loved and that seemed to get under their skin. The twitter world on the other hand was shocked when they received the breaking news as they had also tried to buy Instagram just a few months before facebook. Twitter being their main rivals were not impressed as they felt like their own idea once again had been swept from under their feet due to facebooks jealousy issues. A few apple users also had their input as they were frustrated at the fact that their iPhones, Macs and Ipads were becoming less exclusive as other companies were able to access the same apps. That could be seen as them being selfish as others were over joyed that they could share photos with their android user friends and are waiting for instagram to move to blackberry so all their long lost friends can also jump on the wave. Its evident instagram is going to blow and be very successful so facebook were only right to take action and be a part of the movement instead of be against.

1 comment:

  1. Not owning an iPhone myself, Facebook buying Instagram hasn't really affected me, HOWEVER, i was planning on getting one soon and now I'm being told by most iPhone users that by the time I get it, Facebook will have ruined the best app. So in a sense, i feel a little of the frustration. I do want to understand though why this is the case, I mean, looking at it, Facebook and Instragram would work well together, a good partnership. Despite that though, it has been said that Facebook has only made the purchase to keep the success of Instagram on the level that they want it to be. Persnally, if I was the creators of Instagram, I would not give over the power of my powerful company and instead eventually let myself keep growing in popularity till I eventually becoming the leading app.
